
comint-source-default is a compiled Lisp function in `comint.el'.

(comint-source-default PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE SOURCE-MODES)

Compute the defaults for `load-file' and `compile-file' commands.

PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE is a pair (DIRECTORY . FILENAME) from the last
source-file processing command, or nil if there hasn't been one yet.
SOURCE-MODES is a list used to determine what buffers contain source
files: if the major mode of the buffer is in SOURCE-MODES, it's source.
Typically, (lisp-mode) or (scheme-mode).

If the command is given while the cursor is inside a string, *and*
the string is an existing filename, *and* the filename is not a directory,
then the string is taken as default. This allows you to just position
your cursor over a string that's a filename and have it taken as default.

If the command is given in a file buffer whose major mode is in
SOURCE-MODES, then the filename is the default file, and the
file's directory is the default directory.

If the buffer isn't a source file buffer (e.g., it's the process buffer),
then the default directory & file are what was used in the last source-file
processing command (i.e., PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE). If this is the first time
the command has been run (PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE is nil), the default directory
is the cwd, with no default file. ("no default file" = nil)

SOURCE-MODES is typically going to be something like (tea-mode)
for T programs, (lisp-mode) for Lisp programs, (soar-mode lisp-mode)
for Soar programs, etc.

The function returns a pair: (default-directory . default-file).