
bs-mode is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `bs.el'.


Major mode for editing a subset of Emacs's buffers.

Aside from two header lines each line describes one buffer.
Move to a line representing the buffer you want to edit and select
buffer by RET or SPC. Abort buffer list with q.
There are many key commands similar to `Buffer-menu-mode' for
manipulating the buffer list and buffers.
For faster navigation each digit key is a digit argument.

RET or SPACE -- select current line's buffer and other marked buffers.
a -- toggle between all buffers and a special subset.
o -- select current line's buffer in other window.
C-o -- make another window display that buffer and
remain in Buffer Selection Menu.
<button2> -- select current line's buffer and other marked buffers.
s -- save current line's buffer immediately.
k -- kill current line's buffer immediately.
% -- toggle read-only status of current line's buffer.
~ -- clear modified-flag on that buffer.
m -- mark current line's buffer to be displayed.
u -- unmark current line's buffer to be displayed.
S -- display buffer list sorted by next sort aspect.
C -- ask user for a configuration and apply selected configuration.
c -- select and apply next available Buffer Selection Menu configuration.
q -- leave Buffer Selection Menu without a selection.
M -- toggle status of appearance.
+ -- mark current line's buffer to show always.
t -- call `visit-tags-table' on current line's buffer.
? -- display this help text.

This mode runs the hook `bs-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.