5x5 is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function in `5x5.el
It is bound to <menu-bar> <tools> <games> <5x5>.
(5x5 &optional SIZE
Play 5x5.
The object of 5x5 is very simple, by moving around the grid and flipping
squares you must fill the grid.
5x5 keyboard bindings are:
Flip SPC
Move up C-p
Move down C-n
Move left C-b
Move right C-f
Start new game n
New game with random grid r
Random cracker C-c C-r
Mutate current cracker C-c C-c
Mutate best cracker C-c C-b
Mutate xor cracker C-c C-x
Solve with Calc s
Rotate left Calc Solutions <
Rotate right Calc Solutions >
Quit current game q