
org-export-smart-quotes-alist is a variable defined in `ox.el'.
Its value is shown below.
  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

Smart quotes translations.

Alist whose CAR is a language string and CDR is an alist with
quote type as key and a plist associating various encodings to
their translation as value.

A quote type can be any symbol among `opening-double-quote',
`closing-double-quote', `opening-single-quote',
`closing-single-quote' and `apostrophe'.

Valid encodings include `:utf-8', `:html', `:latex' and

If no translation is found, the quote character is left as-is.


(("da" (opening-double-quote :utf-8 "»" :html "»" :latex ">>" :texinfo "@guillemetright{}") (closing-double-quote :utf-8 "«" :html "«" :latex "<<" :texinfo "@guillemetleft{}") (opening-single-quote :utf-8 "›" :html "›" :latex "\\frq{}" :texinfo "@guilsinglright{}") (closing-single-quote :utf-8 "‹" :html "‹" :latex "\\flq{}" :texinfo "@guilsingleft{}") (apostrophe :utf-8 "’" :html "’")) ("de" (opening-double-quote :utf-8 "„" :html "„" :latex "\"`" :texinfo "@quotedblbase{}") (closing-double-quote :utf-8 "“" :html "“" :latex "\"'" :texinfo "@quotedblleft{}") (opening-single-quote :utf-8 "‚" :html "‚" :latex "\\glq{}" :texinfo "@quotesinglbase{}") (closing-single-quote :utf-8 "‘" :html "‘" :latex "\\grq{}" :texinfo "@quoteleft{}") (apostrophe :utf-8 "’" :html "’")) ("en" (opening-double-quote :utf-8 "“" :html "“" :latex "``" :texinfo "``") (closing-double-quote :utf-8 "”" :html "”" :latex "''" :texinfo "''") (opening-single-quote :utf-8 "‘" :html "‘" :latex "`" :texinfo "`") (closing-single-quote :utf-8 "’" :html "’" :latex "'" :texinfo "'") (apostrophe :utf-8 "’" :html "’")) ("es" (opening-double-quote :utf-8 "«" :html "«" :latex "\\guillemotleft{}" :texinfo "@guillemetleft{}") (closing-double-quote :utf-8 "»" :html "»" :latex "\\guillemotright{}" :texinfo "@guillemetright{}") (opening-single-quote :utf-8 "“" :html "“" :latex "``" :texinfo "``") (closing-single-quote :utf-8 "”" :html "”" :latex "''" :texinfo "''") (apostrophe :utf-8 "’" :html "’")) ("fr" (opening-double-quote :utf-8 "« " :html "« " :latex "\\og " :texinfo "@guillemetleft{}@tie{}") (closing-double-quote :utf-8 " »" :html " »" :latex "\\fg{}" :texinfo "@tie{}@guillemetright{}") (opening-single-quote :utf-8 "« " :html "« " :latex "\\og " :texinfo "@guillemetleft{}@tie{}") (closing-single-quote :utf-8 " »" :html " »" :latex "\\fg{}" :texinfo "@tie{}@guillemetright{}") (apostrophe :utf-8 "’" :html "’")) ("no" (opening-double-quote :utf-8 "«" :html "«" :latex "\\guillemotleft{}" :texinfo "@guillemetleft{}") (closing-double-quote :utf-8 "»" :html "»" :latex "\\guillemotright{}" :texinfo "@guillemetright{}") (opening-single-quote :utf-8 "‘" :html "‘" :latex "`" :texinfo "`") (closing-single-quote :utf-8 "’" :html "’" :latex "'" :texinfo "'") (apostrophe :utf-8 "’" :html "’")) ("nb" (opening-double-quote :utf-8 "«" :html "«" :latex "\\guillemotleft{}" :texinfo "@guillemetleft{}") (closing-double-quote :utf-8 "»" :html "»" :latex "\\guillemotright{}" :texinfo "@guillemetright{}") (opening-single-quote :utf-8 "‘" :html "‘" :latex "`" :texinfo "`") (closing-single-quote :utf-8 "’" :html "’" :latex "'" :texinfo "'") (apostrophe :utf-8 "’" :html "’")) ("nn" (opening-double-quote :utf-8 "«" :html "«" :latex "\\guillemotleft{}" :texinfo "@guillemetleft{}") (closing-double-quote :utf-8 "»" :html "»" :latex "\\guillemotright{}" :texinfo "@guillemetright{}") (opening-single-quote :utf-8 "‘" :html "‘" :latex "`" :texinfo "`") (closing-single-quote :utf-8 "’" :html "’" :latex "'" :texinfo "'") (apostrophe :utf-8 "’" :html "’")) ("sv" (opening-double-quote :utf-8 "”" :html "”" :latex "’’" :texinfo "’’") (closing-double-quote :utf-8 "”" :html "”" :latex "’’" :texinfo "’’") (opening-single-quote :utf-8 "’" :html "’" :latex "’" :texinfo "`") (closing-single-quote :utf-8 "’" :html "’" :latex "’" :texinfo "'") (apostrophe :utf-8 "’" :html "’")))