
menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu is a variable defined in `menu-bar.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Not documented as a variable.


(keymap (none menu-item "None" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-disable :help "Turn off fringe" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq fringe-mode 0)) (left menu-item "On the Left" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-left :help "Fringe only on the left side" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio equal fringe-mode '(nil . 0))) (right menu-item "On the Right" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-right :help "Fringe only on the right side" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio equal fringe-mode '(0))) (default menu-item "Default" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-reset :help "Default width fringe on both left and right side" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq fringe-mode nil)) (customize menu-item "Customize Fringe" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize :help "Detailed customization of fringe" :visible (display-graphic-p)) (indicate-empty-lines menu-item "Empty Line Indicators" toggle-indicate-empty-lines :help "Indicate trailing empty lines in fringe, globally" :button (:toggle and (default-boundp 'indicate-empty-lines) (default-value 'indicate-empty-lines))) (showhide-fringe-ind menu-item "Buffer Boundaries" (keymap (none menu-item "No Indicators" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-none :help "Hide all buffer boundary indicators and arrows" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq indicate-buffer-boundaries nil)) (left menu-item "In Left Fringe" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-left :help "Show buffer boundaries and arrows in left fringe" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left)) (right menu-item "In Right Fringe" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-right :help "Show buffer boundaries and arrows in right fringe" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio eq indicate-buffer-boundaries 'right)) (box menu-item "Opposite, No Arrows" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-box :help "Show top/bottom indicators in opposite fringes, no arrows" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio equal indicate-buffer-boundaries '((top . left) (bottom . right)))) (mixed menu-item "Opposite, Arrows Right" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-mixed :help "Show top/bottom indicators in opposite fringes, arrows in right" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio equal indicate-buffer-boundaries '((t . right) (top . left)))) (customize menu-item "Other (Customize)" menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-customize :help "Additional choices available through Custom buffer" :visible (display-graphic-p) :button (:radio not (member indicate-buffer-boundaries '(nil left right ((top . left) (bottom . right)) ((t . right) (top . left)))))) "Buffer boundaries") :visible (display-graphic-p) :help "Indicate buffer boundaries in fringe") "Fringe")