
ispell-tex-skip-alists is a variable defined in `ispell.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Lists of regions to be skipped in TeX mode.
First list is used raw.
Second list has key placed inside \begin{}.

Delete or add any regions you want to be automatically selected
for skipping in latex mode.


((("\\\\addcontentsline" ispell-tex-arg-end 2) ("\\\\add\\(tocontents\\|vspace\\)" ispell-tex-arg-end) ("\\\\\\([aA]lph\\|arabic\\)" ispell-tex-arg-end) ("\\\\bibliographystyle" ispell-tex-arg-end) ("\\\\makebox" ispell-tex-arg-end 0) ("\\\\e?psfig" ispell-tex-arg-end) ("\\\\document\\(class\\|style\\)" . "\\\\begin[ \n]*{[ \n]*document[ \n]*}")) (("\\(figure\\|table\\)\\*?" ispell-tex-arg-end 0) ("list" ispell-tex-arg-end 2) ("program" . "\\\\end[ \n]*{[ \n]*program[ \n]*}") ("verbatim\\*?" . "\\\\end[ \n]*{[ \n]*verbatim\\*?[ \n]*}")))