
hfy-style-assoc is a variable defined in `htmlfontify.el'.
Its value is

An assoc representing/describing an Emacs face.
Properties may be repeated, in which case later properties should be
treated as if they were inherited from a 'parent' font.
(For some properties, only the first encountered value is of any importance,
for others the values might be cumulative, and for others they might be
cumulative in a complex way.)

Some examples:

(hfy-face-to-style 'default) =>
(("background" . "rgb(0, 0, 0)")
("color" . "rgb(255, 255, 255)")
("font-style" . "normal")
("font-weight" . "500")
("font-stretch" . "normal")
("font-family" . "misc-fixed")
("font-size" . "13pt")
("text-decoration" . "none"))

(hfy-face-to-style 'Info-title-3-face) =>
(("font-weight" . "700")
("font-family" . "helv")
("font-size" . "120%")
("text-decoration" . "none"))