
gui-set-selection-alist is a variable defined in `select.el'.
Its value is

((x . #[514 "\211\203 \300\"\207\301!\207" [x-own-selection-internal x-disown-selection-internal] 5 "\n\n(fn SELECTION VALUE)"]) (nil . ignore))

Method to assert a selection of type SELECTION and value VALUE.
SELECTION is a symbol, typically `PRIMARY', `SECONDARY', or `CLIPBOARD'.
If VALUE is nil and we own the selection SELECTION, disown it instead.
Disowning it means there is no such selection.
(Those are literal upper-case symbol names, since that's what X expects.)
VALUE is typically a string, or a cons of two markers, but may be
anything that the functions on `selection-converter-alist' know about.

Called with 2 args: (SELECTION VALUE).