
gnus-buffer-configuration is a variable defined in `gnus-win.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Window configuration for all possible Gnus buffers.
See the Gnus manual for an explanation of the syntax used.


((group (vertical 1.0 (group 1.0 point))) (summary (vertical 1.0 (summary 1.0 point))) (article (cond (gnus-use-trees '(vertical 1.0 (summary 0.25 point) (tree 0.25) (article 1.0))) (t '(vertical 1.0 (summary 0.25 point) (article 1.0))))) (server (vertical 1.0 (server 1.0 point))) (browse (vertical 1.0 (browse 1.0 point))) (message (vertical 1.0 (message 1.0 point))) (pick (vertical 1.0 (article 1.0 point))) (info (vertical 1.0 (info 1.0 point))) (summary-faq (vertical 1.0 (summary 0.25) (faq 1.0 point))) (only-article (vertical 1.0 (article 1.0 point))) (edit-article (vertical 1.0 (article 1.0 point))) (edit-form (vertical 1.0 (group 0.5) (edit-form 1.0 point))) (edit-score (vertical 1.0 (summary 0.25) (edit-score 1.0 point))) (edit-server (vertical 1.0 (server 0.5) (edit-form 1.0 point))) (post (vertical 1.0 (post 1.0 point))) (reply (vertical 1.0 (article 0.5) (message 1.0 point))) (forward (vertical 1.0 (message 1.0 point))) (reply-yank (vertical 1.0 (message 1.0 point))) (mail-bounce (vertical 1.0 (article 0.5) (message 1.0 point))) (pipe (vertical 1.0 (summary 0.25 point) ("*Shell Command Output*" 1.0))) (bug (vertical 1.0 (if gnus-bug-create-help-buffer '("*Gnus Help Bug*" 0.5)) ("*Gnus Bug*" 1.0 point))) (score-trace (vertical 1.0 (summary 0.5 point) ("*Score Trace*" 1.0))) (score-words (vertical 1.0 (summary 0.5 point) ("*Score Words*" 1.0))) (split-trace (vertical 1.0 (summary 0.5 point) ("*Split Trace*" 1.0))) (category (vertical 1.0 (category 1.0))) (compose-bounce (vertical 1.0 (article 0.5) (message 1.0 point))) (display-term (vertical 1.0 ("*display*" 1.0))) (mml-preview (vertical 1.0 (message 0.5) (mml-preview 1.0 point))))