
frameset-filter-alist is a variable defined in `frameset.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Alist of frame parameters and filtering functions.

This alist is the default value of the FILTERS argument of
`frameset-save' and `frameset-restore' (which see).

Initially, `frameset-filter-alist' is set to, and shares the value of,
`frameset-persistent-filter-alist'. You can override any item in
this alist by `push'ing a new item onto it. If, for some reason, you
intend to modify existing values, do

(setq frameset-filter-alist (copy-tree frameset-filter-alist))

before changing anything.

On saving, PARAMETERS is the parameter alist of each frame processed,
and FILTERED is the parameter alist that gets saved to the frameset.

On restoring, PARAMETERS is the parameter alist extracted from the
frameset, and FILTERED is the resulting frame parameter alist used
to restore the frame.

Elements of `frameset-filter-alist' are conses (PARAM . ACTION),
where PARAM is a parameter name (a symbol identifying a frame
parameter), and ACTION can be:

nil The parameter is copied to FILTERED.
:never The parameter is never copied to FILTERED.
:save The parameter is copied only when saving the frame.
:restore The parameter is copied only when restoring the frame.
FILTER A filter function.

FILTER can be a symbol FILTER-FUN, or a list (FILTER-FUN ARGS...).
FILTER-FUN is invoked with



CURRENT A cons (PARAM . VALUE), where PARAM is the one being
filtered and VALUE is its current value.
FILTERED The resulting alist (so far).
PARAMETERS The complete alist of parameters being filtered,
SAVING Non-nil if filtering before saving state, nil if filtering
before restoring it.
ARGS Any additional arguments specified in the ACTION.

FILTER-FUN is allowed to modify items in FILTERED, but no other arguments.
It must return:
nil Skip CURRENT (do not add it to FILTERED).
t Add CURRENT to FILTERED as is.
(NEW-PARAM . NEW-VALUE) Add this to FILTERED instead of CURRENT.

Frame parameters not on this alist are passed intact, as if they were
defined with ACTION = nil.


((background-color . frameset-filter-sanitize-color) (buffer-list . :never) (buffer-predicate . :never) (buried-buffer-list . :never) (font . frameset-filter-shelve-param) (foreground-color . frameset-filter-sanitize-color) (fullscreen . frameset-filter-shelve-param) (GUI:font . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (GUI:fullscreen . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (GUI:height . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (GUI:width . frameset-filter-unshelve-param) (height . frameset-filter-shelve-param) (outer-window-id . :never) (parent-id . :never) (tty . frameset-filter-tty-to-GUI) (tty-type . frameset-filter-tty-to-GUI) (width . frameset-filter-shelve-param) (window-id . :never) (window-system . :never) (name . :never) (left . frameset-filter-iconified) (minibuffer . frameset-filter-minibuffer) (top . frameset-filter-iconified))