
artist-menu-map is a variable defined in `artist.el'.
Its value is shown below.
  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

Not documented as a variable.


(keymap (pen-line menu-item "Pen" artist-select-op-pen-line :help "Draw using the Pen style" :button (:radio eq artist-curr-go 'pen-line)) (s-line menu-item "Line" artist-select-op-straight-line :help "Draw using the Line style" :button (:radio eq artist-curr-go 's-line)) (rectangle menu-item "Rectangle" artist-select-op-rectangle :help "Draw using the Rectangle style" :button (:radio eq artist-curr-go 'rectangle)) (square menu-item "Square" artist-select-op-square :help "Draw using the Square style" :button (:radio eq artist-curr-go 'square)) (spolyline menu-item "Poly-line" artist-select-op-straight-poly-line :help "Draw using the Poly-line style" :button (:radio eq artist-curr-go 'spolyline)) (circle menu-item "Ellipse" artist-select-op-circle :help "Draw using the Ellipse style" :button (:radio eq artist-curr-go 'circle)) (text-ovwrt menu-item "Text" artist-select-op-text-overwrite :help "Draw using the Text style" :button (:radio eq artist-curr-go 'text-ovwrt)) (spray-get-size menu-item "Spray-can" artist-select-op-spray-set-size :help "Draw using the Spray-can style" :button (:radio eq artist-curr-go 'spray-get-size)) (erase-rect menu-item "Erase" artist-select-op-erase-rectangle :help "Draw using the Erase style" :button (:radio eq artist-curr-go 'erase-rect)) (vaporize-lines menu-item "Vaporize" artist-select-op-vaporize-lines :help "Draw using the Vaporize style" :button (:radio eq artist-curr-go 'vaporize-lines)) (artist-separator menu-item "--") (set-fill menu-item "Character for Fill..." artist-select-fill-char :help "Choose the character to insert when filling in shapes") (set-line menu-item "Character for Line..." artist-select-line-char :help "Choose the character to insert when drawing lines") (set-erase menu-item "Character to Erase..." artist-select-erase-char :help "Choose a specific character to erase") (rubber-band menu-item "Rubber-banding" artist-toggle-rubber-banding :help "Toggle rubber-banding" :button (:toggle . artist-rubber-banding)) (trimming menu-item "Trim Line Endings" artist-toggle-trim-line-endings :help "Toggle trimming of line-endings" :button (:toggle . artist-trim-line-endings)) (borders menu-item "Draw Shape Borders" artist-toggle-borderless-shapes :help "Toggle whether shapes are drawn with borders" :button (:toggle not artist-borderless-shapes)) (spray-chars menu-item "Characters for Spray" artist-select-spray-chars :help "Choose characters for sprayed by the spray-can"))