
advice--where-alist is a variable defined in `nadvice.el'.
Its value is shown below.

List of descriptions of how to add a function.
Each element has the form (WHERE BYTECODE STACK) where:
WHERE is a keyword indicating where the function is added.
BYTECODE is the corresponding byte-code that will be used.
STACK is the amount of stack space needed by the byte-code.


((:around "\300\301\302#\207" 5) (:before "\300\301\"\210\300\302\"\207" 4) (:after "\300\302\"\300\301\"\210\207" 5) (:override "\300\301\"\207" 4) (:after-until "\300\302\"\206 \300\301\"\207" 4) (:after-while "\300\302\"\205 \300\301\"\207" 4) (:before-until "\300\301\"\206 \300\302\"\207" 4) (:before-while "\300\301\"\205 \300\302\"\207" 4) (:filter-args "\300\302\301!\"\207" 5) (:filter-return "\301\300\302\"!\207" 5))