
dired-mark-pop-up is a compiled Lisp function in `dired.el'.


Return FUNCTION's result on ARGS after showing which files are marked.
Displays the file names in a window showing a buffer named
BUFFER-OR-NAME; the default name being " *Marked Files*". The
window is not shown if there is just one file, `dired-no-confirm'
is t, or OP-SYMBOL is a member of the list in `dired-no-confirm'.

By default, Dired shrinks the display buffer to fit the marked files.
To disable this, use the Customization interface to add a new rule
to `display-buffer-alist' where condition regexp is "^ \*Marked Files\*$",
action argument symbol is `window-height' and its value is nil.

FILES is the list of marked files. It can also be (t FILENAME)
in the case of one marked file, to distinguish that from using
just the current file.

FUNCTION should not manipulate files, just read input (an
argument or confirmation).